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10 years of monitoring and regulation of children’s services 2014-2024

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HIQA inspects and monitors residential care, special care, foster care and child protection and welfare services provided by the Child and Family Agency (Tusla) and providers of non-statutory foster care services.

This 10-year overview report sets out how many aspects of children’s services are working well and have improved, detailing our findings, learnings and reflecting on challenges for the sector.

Read our report and infographics, or watch our videos to learn more.

In July 2024, we ran a poster competition with a theme ‘Hear my voice’ asking children to create a poster on the care and support that they receive from social services.

Nineteen children and young people took part in the competition. The winning artwork is on the cover of our 10-year overview report on the monitoring and regulation of children’s services.

You can view all of the entries in the flipbook here.

As part of our work to monitor and regulate children’s services over the last 10 years, we engage with children and young people to hear their stories and experiences.

Children’s experiences help us learn what could be improved and provide vital insights.

You can hear some of what they shared with below.