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HealthData@IE Engagement and Education Strategic Plan 2024-2027

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The Department of Health, in collaboration with HIQA and the Health Research Board (HRB), was awarded funding from the European Commission to support the establishment of health data access body (HDAB) services in Ireland under the HealthData@IE project. 

The project supports the implementation of the European Health Data Space (EHDS) regulation, which is a major health information initiative across all EU countries. One of the aims of the EHDS is to develop HDAB services that facilitate the use of anonymised and pseudonymised health data to support research, innovation and policy development in the healthcare system. This is known as secondary use of health data. The EHDS regulation enters into force in March 2025, with implementation deadlines from 2027 to 2031. 

This Engagement and Education Strategic Plan (2024-2027) sets out HIQA's approach to engagement, dissemination, training and education in relation to establishing HDAB services in Ireland. 

The core principle underpinning this strategy is that engagement is based on an inclusive and rights-based partnership model, incorporating a variety of stakeholders including patients, the public, professionals and academics. 
The plan outlines four strategic objectives and details how these will be achieved under the HealthData@IE project from 2024 to 2027: 

  1. Engage with the public, health and social care professionals and relevant stakeholders on how health information is collected, used and shared for secondary use through a HDAB.
  2. Undertake a targeted dissemination campaign to raise awareness among the public, data holders and data users of the HDAB function and responsibilities.
  3. Identify the specific education and training needs of data holders, data users and HDAB staff regarding the HDAB function and responsibilities. 
  4. Develop education and training initiatives to support data holders, data users and HDAB staff with regard to the HDAB function and responsibilities in Ireland.

This strategic plan will help shape HIQA's programme of work under Work Package 2, Dissemination, Training and Support, of the wider HealthData@IE project.