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Regulation 23 Six-monthly Unannounced Visit

Status: Updated on

We have developed a template for Regulation 23(2)(a) and (b) six-monthly unannounced visit by the registered provider (or delegate) to a designated centre for people with disabilities. The template is made up of an introduction and a template to support the reporting on the quality and safety of care and support. It also includes the plan to address any concerns identified with regards to the standard of care and support in residential services for children and adults with disabilities

These are not statutory documents or templates, and as such you are not required to use it; however, you are required to produce a report of your annual review and of your six-monthly unannounced visit. A copy of the review must be made available to residents and to the Chief Inspector (if so requested).

The template is made up of the following parts:

  • introduction, including what is required by the regulation
  • a template for providers to complete
  • examples of approaches to assurance methods.

The aim of the template is to support you to measure your performance against the national standards, and to identify areas for ongoing improvement.