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How to Put National Standards into Practice: An Implementation Guide for Health, Mental Health and Social Care Services

Status: Published on

We have developed a practical guide to support staff in health, mental health and social care services to understand what national standards are, what they mean for their service and how to put them into practice. 

The guide was developed in partnership with the Mental Health Commission and was informed by a range of stakeholders with experience of delivering and using health, mental health and social care services. 

The guide outlines a self-appraisal process to support services to put national standards into practice and improve quality and safety. It includes topics for reflection, tools, templates and resources throughout.

We have developed an infographic to show in a convenient and accessible way how the guide can support services to put national standards into practice using five key steps.

Download the infographic below.

Conducting a self-appraisal of your service can help you to identify how a specific standard statement applies to your service, and what will be different as a result of putting this standard into practice. A worked example is contained in Section 4 of the guide and a blank template is available below. 

Consider using an action plan to identify the actions you will take to meet a standard statement, who will be responsible for delivering on the actions, and a timeline for this. A worked example is contained in Section 5 of the guide and a blank template is available below.