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Displaying 1 to 12 of 154 results
Title Published Updated View
Guidelines for the Economic Evaluation of Health Technologies in Ireland view
Guidelines for the Budget Impact Analysis of Health Technologies in Ireland view
Protocol: Development of a tool for the collection of costs attributable to infectious disease outbreaks in public acute hospitals view
The management of obesity in adults: Protocol for a review of international clinical guidelines view
The management of acute asthma attack in adults: Protocol for a review of international clinical guidelines view
Protocol for a health technology assessment of immunisation against respiratory syncytial virus in Ireland view
Summary of publicly-funded fertility preservation services view
Enhanced inactivated influenza vaccines for over 65s view
Protocol for a health technology assessment of an alternative telephone pathway for acute, non-urgent medical care needs in the pre-hospital setting view
Rapid health technology assessment of immunisation against respiratory syncytial virus in Ireland view
Protocol for a health technology assessment of extending BowelScreen to those aged 50 to 54 years view
Health technology assessment of Herpes Zoster (shingles) vaccination view