We have developed an online learning course to help front-line staff implement the national standards. Click here to read our press release.
Take the online learning course on HSELanD here.
The online learning course is hosted on HSELanD in the course catalogue ‘Health & Social Care Professionals’. The course is called: National Standards for infection prevention and control in community services: Putting the standards into practice
If you require a certificate of completion you will need to login to HSELanD to complete the course. This is available to all those working in the health and social care sector, and to students in Irish universities or colleges, and there is no charge to set up an account. For further information, please visit HSELanD's help page.
If you have any technical difficulties, please contact HSELanD technical support. If you have any difficulties in locating the course or any content queries, please contact the Standards Team at standards@hiqa.ie.
Alternatively, you can complete the module here, under the tab 'Online Learning Courses', but it will not be possible to receive a certificate of completion.